AGENDA DOCENTES 2018 para imprimir


Estimadas maestras compartimos con vosotras esta agenda docente 2018 pdf gratis para que sea fácilmente imprimible, gracias a la Editorial Garcia

Son mas de 165 paginas con, datos personales por alumno, entrevista para niños, entrevista a padres, fichas de inscripción, horario de clases, ficha de comité de padres, efemérides por meses, semanario, lista de asistencia y mas..

Descargar: Agenda de 165 paginas

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116 Comentarios

  1. milagros quispe esquivel27 de marzo de 2019, 13:30

    me encantaria estar agregada a este grupo y hacer seguimiento de todo el material q tienen

  2. If you’d like to increase profits on ANYTHING you sell online, in just a few seconds, keep reading.

    See - no matter what you sell online - physical products on Teespring, Shopify or Amazon, or CPA, or Kindle offers, or maybe you have an offline business…

    There's ONE thing that increases your profits..EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

    And that’s RETARGETING.

    Do you know how you might go on a site,look at a product, and leave, but then get followed around the web by ads from that site?

    That’s retargeting - and companies like Amazon do it because it’s VERY profitable.

    And now anyone can achieve this successfully with our software...

    The reason this does so well is because most people need to see things more than once before they make a purchase.

    Retargeting is the one thing that’ll pretty much make you money every time you do it.

    Communicating with the people who were most recently on your site encourages people to come back to your siteand this is where is it gets even more powerful.

    There’s only one reason most people don’t do video remarketing:

    Up until now, it’s been a huge pain to create videos for remarketing.

    From now on, instead of dealing with that, Video Retargeter will create videos for you in SECONDS.

    This works for ANY industry!

    This is an INCREDIBLY easy to use tool that’ll increase your profit every single time.

  3. MPU ist für Sie kein Muss mehr!

    Ohne Schikane zum Führerschein!

    Nutzen Sie Ihr Recht auf EU-Führerschein,
    sowie schon Tausende deutsche Bürger gemacht haben.

    Idiotentest – nein, danke!

    Anfrage E-Mail:

    Mehr Info, telefonische Beratung auf:


    Umtausch „Alle nicht EU-Führerscheine“
    gegen einen „EU-Führerschein“.

    EU driving license for all.

    Anfrage E-Mail:

    Mehr Info, telefonische Beratung auf:

    Peneta GmbH, Siemensstraße. 44, 12489 Berlin.

  4. Hello,

    People ask, “why does TalkWithCustomer work so well?”

    It’s simple.

    TalkWithCustomer enables you to connect with a prospective customer at EXACTLY the Perfect Time.

    - NOT one week, two weeks, three weeks after they’ve checked out your website
    - NOT with a form letter style email that looks like it was written by a bot.
    - NOT with a robocall that could come at any time out of the blue.

    TalkWithCustomer connects you to that person within seconds of THEM asking to hear from YOU.

    They kick off the conversation.

    They take that first step.

    They ask to hear from you regarding what you have to offer and how it can make their life better.

    And it happens almost immediately. In real time. While they’re still looking over your website, trying to make up their mind whether you are right for them.

    When you connect with them at that very moment it’s the ultimate in Perfect Timing – as one famous marketer put it, “you’re entering the conversation already going on in their mind.”

    You can’t find a better opportunity than that.

    And you can’t find an easier way to seize that chance than TalkWithCustomer.

    CLICK HERE now to take a free, 14-day test drive and see what a difference “Perfect Timing” can make to your business.


    PS: If you’re wondering whether NOW is the perfect time to try TalkWithCustomer, ask yourself this:
    “Will doing what I’m already doing now produce up to 100X more leads?”
    Because those are the kinds of results we know TalkWithCustomer can deliver.
    It shouldn’t even be a question, especially since it will cost you ZERO to give it a try.
    CLICK HERE to start your free 14-day test drive today.

    If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

  5. Dimitar Yanev Publishis14 de julio de 2019, 16:38

    Hello Team,

    We are a content marketplace with thousands of writers building articles for blog posts, PR, guides etc in multiple niches on daily basis. - Publishis is the leading destination to find quality articles and where publishers can earn solid cash for their work.


    We are launching July promotion with pre-written by niche articles per niche packages for new clients initial order. - 50 pre-written articles for $150 / 100 articles for $200 / 500 articles for $750

    Please forward this message to the appropriate decision maker for content management.

    Hope to hear from your team and do not hesitate to respond us with any feedback and opportunities related to content building,

    Dimitar Yanev

  6. Hi,

    I was just dropping in a quick line to know, if I could send some great article ideas your way for a guest post at your website ?

    If you like my suggested ideas, I can then provide you high-quality FREE CONTENT/ARTICLE. In return, I would expect just a favor of a backlink from within the main body of the article.

    Do let me know if I can interest you with some great topic ideas?

    Best Regards,

    William R.

  7. Hi,

    Would you like a cloud accounting app that makes maintaining your company painless, fast and safe? Automate tasks like invoicing, organizing expenses, monitoring your time not to mention following up with clientele in just a few clicks?

    Look at the video clip : and test it totally free of charge during thirty days.

    Best Regards,


    Simply not thinking of cloud accounting? We wouldn't contact you once again :

    Report as junk mail :

  8. Would you be interested in submitting a guest post on or possibly allowing us to submit a post to ? Maybe you know by now that links are essential
    to building a brand online? If you are interested in submitting a post and obtaining a link to , let me know and we will get it published in a speedy manner to our blog.

    Hope to hear from you soon

  9. Hola, buenas.

    Me llamo Verónica y hace unos días que os envié un correo preguntando acerca de la compra de enlaces, pero no he recibido respuesta.

    De hecho, me aparece este error (, pero únicamente con vosotros... es curioso.

    Así que he decidio usar el formulario, que imagino que se enviará bien.

    Simplemente os comentaba si sería posible comprar un enlace en vuestro sitio, y de ser así, que precio tendría y los requisitos que tenéis para ello.

    Un saludo, gracias.
    Att: Verónica

  10. Would you like to post your ad on 1000's of Advertising sites monthly? Pay one low monthly fee and get virtually unlimited traffic to your site forever!Get more info by visiting:

  11. Pablo de Lanzadora Digital19 de septiembre de 2019, 8:03

    Hola chicos, me llamo Pablo y soy el creador de

    Seguramente os estaréis preguntando cómo he llegado hasta vuestra web, jeje, te va a sorprender.

    Si ya llevas tiempo en Internet, sabrás que no es fácil conseguir nuevos clientes para tu negocio. Sobre todo cuando se tiene un producto o servicio nuevo e interesante y este aún no tiene visibilidad ni posicionamiento.

    He creado un método que realiza por ti el trabajo de contactar con decenas de miles de personas en un tiempo récord.

    La principal ventaja de nuestro sistema de contacto es que rellena los campos de los formularios de prácticamente cualquier sitio web, con lo cual, tu no deberás hacer nada, simplemente esperar a que empiecen a llegar emails a tu bandeja de entrada.

    Actualmente contamos con una base de datos propia de más de 10 millones de dominios y logramos que cualquier mensaje sea leído por miles de personas

    Si quieres echarle un vistazo, puedes verlo en

    Un saludo.

  12. Hi,
    Want to reach brand-new customers?

    We are personally inviting you to join one of the leading influencer and affiliate networks on the web.
    This network finds influencers and affiliates in your niche who will promote your company on their websites and social media channels.
    Advantages of our program include: brand recognition for your business, increased trustworthiness, and potentially more customers.

    It is the best, easiest and most effective way to increase your sales!

    What do you think?

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  13. Adela de Senderismo Ibiza25 de septiembre de 2019, 6:38

    Senderismo costero en Ibiza, otoño.
    5 días, 4 noches con todo incluido.

    Senderismo, visitas a lugares típicos, clases de yoga, alojamiento en casa rural, grupos reducidos.

    Puedes venir sol@, con amig@s, en pareja! Llevamos desde 2014 con este servicio.

    - 4 al 9 de octubre, 390€
    - 9 al 13 de octubre, 370€
    - 30 oct al 3 nov, 350€
    - 4 al 8 diciembre, 370€

    Para que confíes en nosotros, mira las opiniones de la gente en nuestro Facebook Senderismo Ibiza! Somos una empresa familiar,

    Te esperamos! La gente sale encantada :)

  14. Hi,

    I’m a long time reader.

    I’m writing to you because I’d love to contribute a guest post to your website.

    I’ve been brainstorming some topics and I think your readers would get a ton of value from them.
    I’ll make sure the piece is filled with information that can’t be found anywhere else. In exchange, all i expect is a backlink from within the main body of the article.

    Do let me know if you like this proposal and if I can begin sending you some topic ideas.


    Ashlie Lopez

  15. Hello! By reading this message then you've proved that ads submitted via web contact forms like yours works! We can send your advertisement to people via their contact us form on their website. The best part of this kind of promotion is that messages sent through feedback forms are automatically whitelisted. This increases the probability that your message will be read. Absolutely NO Pay per click costs! Pay one flat rate and reach millions of people. For more information send a message to:

  16. How would you like to promote your business on thousands of advertising sites monthly? Pay one low monthly fee and get virtually unlimited traffic to your site forever! To find out more check out our site here:

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  18. Hey,

    You have a website, right?

    Of course you do. I am looking at your website now.

    It gets traffic every day – that you’re probably spending $2 / $4 / $10 or more a click to get. Not including all of the work you put into creating social media, videos, blog posts, emails, and so on.

    So you’re investing seriously in getting people to that site.

    But how’s it working? Great? Okay? Not so much?

    If that answer could be better, then it’s likely you’re putting a lot of time, effort, and money into an approach that’s not paying off like it should.

    Now… imagine doubling your lead conversion in just minutes… In fact, I’ll go even better.

    You could actually get up to 100X more conversions!

    I’m not making this up. As Chris Smith, best-selling author of The Conversion Code says: Speed is essential - there is a 100x decrease in Leads when a Lead is contacted within 14 minutes vs being contacted within 5 minutes.

    He’s backed up by a study at MIT that found the odds of contacting a lead will increase by 100 times if attempted in 5 minutes or less.

    Again, out of the 100s of visitors to your website, how many actually call to become clients?

    Well, you can significantly increase the number of calls you get – with ZERO extra effort.

    TalkWithCustomer makes it easy, simple, and fast – in fact, you can start getting more calls today… and at absolutely no charge to you.

    CLICK HERE now to take a free, 14-day test drive to find out how.


    PS: Don’t just take my word for it, TalkWithCustomer works:
    EMA has been looking for ways to reach out to an audience. TalkWithCustomer so far is the most direct call of action. It has produced above average closing ratios and we are thrilled. Thank you for providing a real and effective tool to generate REAL leads. - P MontesDeOca.
    Best of all, act now to get a no-cost 14-Day Test Drive – our gift to you just for giving TalkWithCustomer a try.
    CLICK HERE to start converting up to 100X more leads today!

    If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

  19. Do you want to promote your business on thousands of advertising sites monthly? For one small fee you'll get virtually unlimited traffic to your site forever! Check out our site for details:

  20. Finally understand what's going on with your website!

    Google analytics can be overwhelming, and let's be honest, you don't have time to learn all of that data stuff.
    You also don't want to spend thousands of dollars on expensive marketing agency retainers.

    We have some good news for you: You don’t need a PhD in analytics to understand how your website is performing for your business. You can easily get simple, high-impact analysis, reporting, and visuals to let you know how you are doing and what to do next.

    With our software, we create a custom growth plan for your business’s online presence. Find lucrative opportunities and grow confidently with articles, videos, and custom solutions that are tied into one simple revenue-based KPI.

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  21. Hi,
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    This network finds influencers and affiliates in your niche who will promote your company on their sites and social network channels.
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  24. Hermelinda Milliken9 de noviembre de 2019, 0:50

    Get backlinks from websites which have Domain Authority above 50. Very rare and hard to get backlinks. Order today at a very low price, while the offer lasts.

    read more:

    thanks and regards
    Monkey Digital Team

  25. Interested in an advertising service that charges less than $49 per month and sends tons of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Send a reply to: to get more info.

  26. Hi,

    I was just dropping in a quick line to know, if I could send some great article ideas your way for a guest post at your website ?

    If you like my suggested ideas, I can then provide you high-quality FREE CONTENT/ARTICLE. In return, I would expect just a favor of a backlink from within the main body of the article.

    Do let me know if I can interest you with some great topic ideas?

    Best Regards,

    William Roy

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    out to see if you're hiring?

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  31. I came across your website ( and just wanted to reach
    out to see if you're hiring?

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    ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, TopUSAJobs, and more at no cost
    for two weeks.

    Here are some of the key benefits:

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    You can post your job openings now by going to our website below:

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    * Please use offer code 987FREE -- Expires Soon *

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    Ryan C.

    Pro Job Network
    10451 Twin Rivers Rd #279
    Columbia, MD 21044

    To OPT OUT, please email ryanc [at] pjnmail [dot] com
    with "REMOVE" in the subject line.

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    thanks and regards
    Top SEO Experts

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    For a limited time we are offering this special deal, of 50 unique domains PBN posts for only 49$

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    thanks and regards
    Monkey Digital Team

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  36. Hey - I was checking out your site and I’m impressed with how clean and professional it looks.

    Adding video to your website has become an absolute MUST. Even something basic that clearly defines exactly what it is you're offering & why work with your company vs competitors...

    My team, based out of Jerusalem and California, creates quality animated explainer videos. Our award-winning videos are proven to increase customer engagement and decrease user bounce rate.

    Email me back for some explainer video samples, pricing, or just to say hi!



  37. Are you looking for powerful online promotion that isn't completely full of it? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that's exactly where I wanted to make my point. We can send your advertising copy to sites through their contact pages just like you're receiving this message right now. You can target by keyword or just start bulk blasts to sites in any country you choose. So let's assume you need to send a message to all the web developers in the US, we'll grab websites for only those and post your ad message to them. As long as you're promoting some kind of offer that's relevant to that business category then you'll get an awesome result!

    Send an email to to get details about how we do this

  38. Hey again,

    I was recently on your site and I can see you continue to pour time and energy into your digital presence. Your hard work shows and it’s really coming along!

    What caught my eye was, despite the engaging layout & clear investment in your site, you’re still missing an explainer video to easily convey information to website viewers.

    It's sad to say, but web visitors today are lazier than ever! Without high-quality video content on your site, you are missing out on potential customers. These potential customers are already on your site - you just need to convert them!

    FYI - I work at an amazing explainer video & marketing firm that specializes in creating fun and easily digestible homepage videos. We have actually created several such videos in your industry. We have offices in California + Jerusalem Israel.

    I would love to chat further about how I can help. Email me or see some samples on

    Sarah Gold

  39. Want more visitors for your website? Get hundreds of keyword targeted visitors directly to your site. Boost revenues super fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. For additional information Have a look at:

  40. Do you want to post your ad on thousands of online ad websites every month? For a small monthly payment you can get almost endless traffic to your site forever!For details check out:

  41. How would you like to submit your advertisement on 1000's of Advertising sites monthly? For one small fee you'll get virtually unlimited traffic to your site forever! Get more info by visiting:

  42. Need to find effective online promotion that isn't full of crap? I apologize for sending you this message on your contact form but actually that was kinda the point. We can send your ad copy to websites via their contact forms just like you're getting this message right now. You can target by keyword or just do mass blasts to sites in the country of your choice. So let's say you need to send a message to all the interior decorators in the US, we'll scrape websites for just those and post your ad message to them. As long as you're promoting a product or service that's relevant to that business category then your business will get an amazing response!

    Send a quick message to for the full details


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    Nutzen Sie Ihr Recht auf EU-Führerschein, sowie schon Tausende deutsche Bürger gemacht haben.
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    EU driving license for all.
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    Peneta GmbH, Siemensstraße. 44, 12489 Berlin.

  46. MPU ist für Sie kein Muss mehr!

    Ohne Schikane zum Führerschein!

    Nutzen Sie Ihr Recht auf EU-Führerschein, sowie schon Tausende deutsche Bürger gemacht haben.
    Idiotentest – nein, danke!

    Umtausch „Alle nicht EU-Führerscheine“
    gegen einen „EU-Führerschein“.
    EU driving license for all.
    Anfrage E-Mail:

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    Peneta GmbH, Siemensstraße. 44, 12489 Berlin.

  47. Hey,

    We work with an agency and we've got a bunch of clients that want some new web exposure. Does your platform accepts guest content?

    We've got the budget to pay immediately and there's not any extra cost to you.

    Best Wishes

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  50. Who would I talk to at your company about your online business listing? It may be unverified, incorrect or not listed at all on the voice search platforms such as Alexa, Siri, Bixby and Google Home.

    I can send you the full (free/no obligation) report to show you.

    Let me know what email address/person to send it over to?

    Send your reply here:


    Debbie Silver

  51. Hi,

    You know it’s true…

    Your competition just can’t hold a candle to the way you DELIVER real solutions to your customers on your website

    But it’s a shame when good people who need what you have to offer wind up settling for second best or even worse.

    Not only do they deserve better, you deserve to be at the top of their list.

    TalkWithCustomer can reliably turn your website into a serious, lead generating machine.

    With TalkWithCustomer installed on your site, visitors can either call you immediately or schedule a call for you in the future.

    And the difference to your business can be staggering – up to 100X more leads could be yours, just by giving TalkWithCustomer a FREE 14 Day Test Drive.

    There’s absolutely NO risk to you, so CLICK HERE to sign up for this free test drive now.

    Tons more leads? You deserve it.

    PS: Odds are, you won’t have long to wait before seeing results:
    This service makes an immediate difference in getting people on the phone right away before they have a chance to turn around and surf off to a competitor's website. D Traylor, Traylor Law
    Why wait any longer?
    CLICK HERE to take the FREE 14-Day Test Drive and start converting up to 100X more leads today!

    If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

  52. Hi,

    My name is Eric and I was looking at a few different sites online and came across your site I must say - your website is very impressive. I am seeing your website on the first page of the Search Engine.

    Have you noticed that 70 percent of visitors who leave your website will never return? In most cases, this means that 95 percent to 98 percent of your marketing efforts are going to waste, not to mention that you are losing more money in customer acquisition costs than you need to.

    As a business person, the time and money you put into your marketing efforts is extremely valuable. So why let it go to waste? Our users have seen staggering improvements in conversions with insane growths of 150 percent going upwards of 785 percent. Are you ready to unlock the highest conversion revenue from each of your website visitors?

    TalkWithCustomer is a widget which captures a website visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number and then calls you immediately, so that you can talk to the Lead exactly when they are live on your website — while they're hot! Best feature of all, International Long Distance Calling is included!

    Try TalkWithCustomer Live Demo now to see exactly how it works. Visit

    When targeting leads, speed is essential - there is a 100x decrease in Leads when a Lead is contacted within 30 minutes vs being contacted within 5 minutes.

    If you would like to talk to me about this service, please give me a call. We have a 14 days trial. Visit to start converting up to 100X more leads today!

    Thanks and Best Regards,

    If you'd like to unsubscribe go to

  53. Hi,

    How are you doing? I aim to provide you a high quality, free of cost guest post article for your amazing website.

    I can send you some really great topic ideas for this purpose which would be relevant to your website niche for sure.

    If my topic ideas happen to appeal you, I’ll send over the article. I would just need a backlink in return of the article. The backlink needs to be within the body of the article.

    Please let me know your response to this, if I shall send topic ideas?

    Looking forward.


    Umer Ishfaq

    Your domain *SERVICE OFFER EXPIRATION, This notice EXPIRES on: February 20,2020.

    *For details and to make a discretionary payment for services by credit card or check, Visit:

  55. Hi,

    We're wondering if you'd be interested in our service, where we can provide you with a 'do follow' link from Amazon (DA 96) back to

    The price is just $57 per link, via Paypal.

    If you're interested, just reply and we can discuss further. We can provide an existing sample, so you can see for yourself.

    Kind Regards,

    PS. This doesn't involve selling anything so you don't need to have a product. The page is created for you, along with 500-700 words of handwritten content.

  56. Cool website!

    My name’s Eric, and I just found your site - - while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.

    But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across, what usually happens?

    Is your site generating leads for your business?

    I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace.

    Not good.

    Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.”

    You can –

    Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.

    CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works.

    Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!

    That’s why we built out our new SMS Text With Lead feature… because once you’ve captured the visitor’s phone number, you can automatically start a text message (SMS) conversation.

    Think about the possibilities – even if you don’t close a deal then and there, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.

    Wouldn’t that be cool?

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  59. I have written content specific to your industry in order to produce a professional explainer video.
    Our process is so easy I can explain in under 10 minutes and, when implemented, it can get your business its next 100 clients/customers.

    I recently used this strategy with a client who is in the same industry as you, breaking down their pitch in fun, engaging, and oftentimes animated video formats that almost tripled their monthly sales rates.

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    -- David Stern


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    • Do you feel this came from the beginnings of a dysfunctional family system?
    • Or did this come from the loss of a beloved job or loved one?
    • Or did this come from dire effects from the disease of Alcoholism?
    • Or did this come from the brainwashing attempts of a fearful and angry world, i.e. terroristic recruitment?
    Do you know that whatever caused this DEEP, DARK, BLACK HOLE OF DEPRESSION which may have come from a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN can cease its influence over your life? Yes, you do not have to live buried in negative thinking from the defeat from negative life experiences in your life. Please know that any tragic experiences from childhood to adulthood need no longer affect your chance to gain emotional wellbeing.
    Instead, now you have the opportunity to be HAPPY and in PEACEFUL CONTROL OF YOUR OWN DESTINY with only the memory of what once ailed you. Now is the time to overcome depression and begin to take control over your life. Not only that, you alone have the opportunity to reverse negative thinking and achieve your very own POSITIVE BELIEF SYSTEM.
    PLEASE NOTE: Your views on spirituality or religion will not prevent you from successfully implementing your own PARENTAL SELF-LOVE PROCESS to ACHIEVE PURPOSE, MOTIVATION, GOOD SELF-ESTEEM, SUCCESS, AND MORE. Yes, like Lin Tillman did, you too can ACHIEVE MORE THAN YOU ASKED FOR and make meaningful and healthy contributions to this planet.
    You can learn more about Lin’s journey in her book The Invisible Girl & GOD, where she shares her TRUE STORY of how she healed herself from an agonizing depression with suicidal ideations.
    GO TO: to learn more

  63. Hi,

    “According to Gartner’s recent research, data decays on an average of 7 to 9% every month because of various reasons.”

    Do you have a large database of contacts/companies in-house? If yes, is it up-to-date?

    We can cleanse, validate and enrich your in-house database with relevant fields that can get you connected with the most premium target profiles of your choice.

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    Best Regards,
    Diana Baker
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  64. What measures do you have in place for your clients who don't qualify? The Credit Plug has a funded proposal for your lost/dead clients to get their credit back on track with the fastest turnaround in the industry and you gaining another loyal customer that potentially put $100 back into your business!
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    You're 1 click away from discovering the"$100 per closed lead potential" available to your. The best part is you don't do the work, simply become an agent for the greatest financial gain or partner as a referral source instantly. Over the span of a lifetime, the average American will pay upwards of $1 million in extra expenses, because of a poor credit score... Don't Let this be your customers.

    Want to monetize your dead leads?

  65. This Google doc exposes how this scamdemic is part of a bigger plan to crush your business and keep it closed or semi-operational (with heavy rescritions) while big corporations remain open without consequences. This Covid lie has ruined many peoples lives and businesses and is all done on purpose to bring about the One World Order. It goes much deeper than this but the purpose of this doc is to expose the evil and wickedness that works in the background to ruin peoples lives. So feel free to share this message with friends and family. No need to reply to the email i provided above as its not registered. But this information will tell you everything you need to know.

  66. Do you want more people to visit your website? Receive thousands of keyword targeted visitors directly to your site. Boost your profits super fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. For more info Have a look at:

  67. Hi ,

    We are a team of young entrepreneurs based in Washington D.C. We invented an innovative product, PumPiX, that is a wearable and portable gadget with a liquid sanitizing dispenser to maintain cleanliness all day. After having a successful campaign on Kickstarter, PumPiX is on SALE on Indiegogo. The deals are available for a limited time. Get PumPiX for yourself and your family, and gift it to your friends and beloved ones:

    Should you have any questions/suggestions, please feel free to contact our team at

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    Best regards,

    PumPiX Team

  68. Good evening, I was just taking a look at your website and filled out your "contact us" form. The contact page on your site sends you messages like this to your email account which is the reason you are reading my message right now right? That's the holy grail with any type of advertising, getting people to actually READ your message and I did that just now with you! If you have an ad message you would like to blast out to tons of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even target particular niches and my charges are super low. Write a reply here:

    no further ad messages

  69. Hi,

    How are you doing? I am reaching to offer a simple 3 step process of guest post on your website.

    1. I will send you some interesting topic ideas for a guest post
    2. You will choose one topic out of those topic ideas
    3. I will then send you a high- quality article on the topic chosen by you

    I would just expect you to give me a do-follow backlink within the main article. So, shall we start with step 1?


    Eliza Megan

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    thank you
    Speed SEO Digital Team

  71. Bill Gates saying the v*a*x*x* will alter your DNA permanently..666 Mark Of The Beast

    Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER.


    WARNING TO THE WORLD. Covid vaccine Dream

    Warning! Time Sensitive Information!! 3 Days of Darkness Confirmation!!

    mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains *Luciferin* dissolved with *66.6* ml of distilled *phosphate* buffer solution.
    You can fact check this by going directedly to the link down below that goes to google patents. You will see the patent has been filed by moderna on the right hand column.
    When you download the pdf, press ctrl + f on your keyword and look up the word "luciferin" which pops up 5 times in the document. Also search up the word "luciferase" in which that word pops up 59 times

    Microsoft submits a patent for the 666 mark of the beast
    WO2020060606 = World Order 2020 666

    Revelation 13:16-18 King James Version (KJV)
    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    If you take the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens:
    Revelation 14:9-11 King James Version (KJV)
    9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
    10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
    11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

    If you refuse the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens
    Revelation 20:4 King James Version (KJV)
    4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

    Repent of your sins, trust and have faith in Jesus Christ, read your Bible, and be water baptised in Jesus name.

    Matthew Chapter 6:9-13

    To truly know what will happen in the end days, read the revelation portion of the Bible. Here is the link to that, its a very short read (22 pages in total):

    Ray Comfort: The Last Days Are Here

    They Challenge This Christian, But Then Are Persuaded!

    Also be warned, the catholic church is a false religion that is not part of the Christian faith! They worship Mary, pray to idols, call the pope "father", and much more which all go against the 10 commandments and God's holy word.

  72. Francesco Barragan20 de enero de 2021, 18:59


    I have just took a look on your SEO for domain: for the ranking keywords and saw that your website could use an upgrade.

    We will enhance your SEO metrics and ranks organically and safely, using only whitehat methods, while providing monthly reports and outstanding support.

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    Mike Barragan
    Speed SEO Digital Team

  73. At Last! Human Sounding Text To Speech 2020 (NEW). To hear a free demo now. Just reply to this email:

  74. Elon Musk says he’s a supporter of bitcoin and thinks it will get ‘broad acceptance’ in finance & Bitcoin Rally Takes Crypto Market Value to New Record.

    Unless you are living off the grid, everyone is getting on the Bitcoin bandwagon.

    According to this Forbe's report:

    Citibank expects Bitcoin to hit USD$300,000 by end of this year.

    The price of Bitcoin is currently around $40,000.

    With central banks printing so much money around the world, consumer prices are going up already. Your savings in your bank account is losing its purchasing power. Beat inflation and grow your purchasing power by buying bitcoin for your family and yourself.

    If you are interested to get involved with cryptos and consider joining this action, you can buy cryptos at the world's biggest and most established crypto exchange Binance at the link below:

    For US Residents:
    Download Bitrue App and sign up, get Sign-up Package at once. Open the package you will have a chance to win 60,000 XRP! Moreover, inviting friends will get commission rebate up to 50%!

  75. Promote your online business, local shop/service or blog without ever paying for ads. This post shows some cool online tools to use to get free unlimited ads for your business:

  76. Hi,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I want to contribute a guest post article to your website that may interest your readers.

    It would be of high quality and free of cost. You can choose the topic of the article from the topic ideas that I'll send you in my next email once you approve this offer.

    Please note that I will need you to give me a backlink within the guest post article.

    Please let me know if I shall send over some amazing topic ideas?


    Lindsay Johnson

  77. Florentino Perez Raya20 de marzo de 2021, 5:35

    Podriais compartir esto en vuestra web para parar el robo

  78. Gd'Day Mate!

    Firstly we are not selling anything.

    Unless you have been living off the grid with no internet, the mainstream media has been reporting news on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

    Tesla buys $1.5 billion in bitcoin, plans to accept it as payment

    Weeks After $1B Bitcoin Purchase, MicroStrategy Buys Another $15M Worth Of Cryptocurrency

    If you are new to cryptocurrencies, our tip for you is NOT to buy Bitcoin now. There are literally thousands of cryptocurrencies, as with all things in life, some are gems (with potential to x10 or x100) and most are garbage which eventually will go to zero.

    Bitcoin is the KING coin in the crypto world, all other crypto currencies are collectively known as altcoins.

    What is altcoin season

    While everyone has been focusin on Bitcoin, there is a term "Altcoin Season" when the prices of good altcoins can go up times 10 or even x 100 in a crazy rally. This is mainly due to speculators who have made crazy gains from Bitcoins to smaller cap coins in order to chase gains.

    You can literally turn $1000 into $10,000 or even $100,000 in an altcoin season (which seems to be happening now).

    After an altcoin rally which usually lasts 50 to 60 days, prices will crash hard (what goes up in a parabolic move must come down always).

    And if you can turn $1000, into $10,000 during this altcoin rally which is happening soon, we advise you to rotate your profits into bitcoin (King coin) as Bitcoin becomes relatively "cheap" compared to altcoins until Nov this year.

    You can likely turn $10,000 into $10000 in the next bitcoin run up until Nov 2021 (a repeat of what Bitcoin and the market did in the last bull run in 2017). History does not repeat exactly but history certainly rythmes!

    And you have another chance to turn $10,000 into $1000,000 (thats 1 million) in the last leg of the altcoin rally which is likely to happen at the end of this year.

    We understand there is no fundamentals to cryptos and this is a high risk game. But with the Federal Reserve holding down interest rates and printing more currencies (with the central banks around the world), the risk-reward for entering the crypto markets is simply too good.

    Altcoins we recommend:

    Zilliqa coin (ZIL) which you can buy in Binance (here ->

    ZIL coin is a project from Singapore, a country that is politically stable and widely known as a city that embraces Cryptocurrenies. The Central bank of Singapore has launched the Singapore Dollar as a crypto stable coin in Zilliaq blockchain.

    We believe you cannot go too wrong when you follow what the government of Singapore is pursuing. ZIL is currently trading around USD$0.20. You can buy ZIL coin in Binance, the world's biggest crypto currency exchange here:

    If you are interested to get involved with cryptos and consider joining this action, you can buy cryptos below:

    Get started at the world's biggest and most established crypto exchange Binance at the link below:

  79. lashawnda.jacks@gmail.com7 de abril de 2021, 15:02

    The Federal Reserve has been stimulating and stimulating the economy by printing more USD. Do you really understand how the monetary system works and how it affects you?

    We are in extra-ordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. How do you ensure you stay on the right side of the upcoming wealth transfer from all the currency printing by central banks around the world?

    Before you make any decision, we highly recommend you invest some of your time to watch and learn from this short series of documentary (designed for the average guy on the street) in youtube.

    This is a video series called "Hidden Secrets of Money"

    This document will explain why it is important you own some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.

    I have personally watched the entire series 3 times and it has changed the way I look at the entire monetary system. Protect your family by owning some physical gold, silver and bitcoin.

    Buy bitcoin here and save 10% from your trading fees at the world's biggest crypto exchange:

    If you are a US resident, you can buy bitcoin here:

  80. mose.crum@gmail.com13 de abril de 2021, 4:27

    Dear you,

    Times are bad and many are suffering. This is a time when many are seeking solace and inner peace. While we cannot change much of what is going on around us, we can calibrate our inner self.

    I personally found Buddhism (a way of life) to be really beneficial.

    Do take some time off to explore Buddhism in the short videos below (including a Mantra that really sooths our soul).

    Buddhism As a Way of Life - From Dough

    My Path To Becoming A Buddhist - From Emma Slade

    If you are curious about the "Mantra Of Great Compassion" as mentioned in the videos above, you can listen to it here and calm your soul.

    Buddhism is more of a way of life than a religion. It doesnt matter what your background is, we believe everyone can incorporate Buddhism into one's daily life.

    How To Practice Buddhism for Beginners and Westerners (Daily Practice) by Alan Peto

    If you find this helpful and knows someone in need of this, please do share this.

  81. pearline.warfield@msn.com28 de abril de 2021, 0:08

    While the mainsteam media is talking "Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin", it is not a good idea to buy bitcoin now.

    Reason? It has gone up quite a lot and has lesser room to grow.

    If you are going to take high risk with your money in cryptocurrency, it is reasonable to expect high returns.

    How high?

    We believe this coin Kin can potentially give you a x10 or even x100 from the currenct price.

    Yes, Im talking about a 10 or even potentially 100 bagger here.

    A $100 can be turned into a $1000 or $10,000.

    A $10,000 invested in Kin might even nett you a MILLION DOLLARS!

    Kin coin ( is also currenctly not listed on Binance (the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchange and Coinbase (recently listed in NASDAQ).

    Coins which list of each of the exchanges have been known to go up in prices and Kin is a coin that has such high potential.

    For more details on WHY Kin has such potential, we suggest you invest the next 15 mins of your time reading this:

    To buy Kin, you can sign up for a free account here at FTX and get 5% off your trading fees!
    Click here for details:

  82. figueroa.ulrich@gmail.com2 de mayo de 2021, 14:05

    The biggest trend to make money in 2021 (and beyond) is in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP.

    There are literally thousands of coins. And 2021 is a crazy year for cryptos where crazy gains are being made.

    The single biggest problem faced by everyone is the sheer volume of new information exploding daily!

    Below is a list of the biggest development in crypto land in the last week:





    We are excited and we have something interesting for you. We created a Telegram groupchat ( you can download the app Telegram here: for you.

    In this groupchat, we are NOT selling you anything (although we do post affiliate links from time to time) to share with you the latest update in crypto world. Actionable info which can potentially make you money.

    No courses, no selling and no nosense.

    In this groupchat, we will also be documenting in an experiment of how we will try to turn USD$1000 into USD$1000,000 (ONE MILLION)

    Join us in our Telegram group to follow our journey in getting to 1 million dollars!

  83. lindamillerleads@gmail.com3 de mayo de 2021, 13:25

    Hi Owner,

    Do you want to know the Secrets To Mastering Internet Lead Conversion?

    I spent the last 10+ years generating, calling and closing Internet leads. I will be sharing my decade long conversion code for you to copy during this new, free webinar!
    During the webinar, I will show you:

    Every business needs to capture more leads, create more appointments, and close more deals.

    If you commit to mastering the content in this session, you will earn more money immediately– not in six months or a year, but literally as soon as you put your new knowledge to work. I have used this method on 1,000's of Internet leads of all price points.

    If you want Internet leads, I have the key to CONVERTING them. Hope you can make it...

    If getting more Hot Phone Leads is a part of your business plan (and why wouldn't it be?), I've got great news for you.

    1. 12 ways to generate seller leads
    2. How to get seller leads on the phone
    3. What to say on the phone so you get instant sales
    4. The Key to SMS Marketing
    5 Never Cold Call Again
    6. Better leads = Faster conversions
    7. The four keys to inside sales success
    8. The 10 steps to a perfect sales call with an Internet lead

    More than 7,000 people have already registered. The last time I did a webinar with Top Producers, hundreds of people got locked out and could only watch the replay. Get your spot now and tune in early!

    ==> Save my spot

    We've become obsessed with making sure our clients are converting the leads we generate for them.

    How much are you getting back in commissions compared to how much are you spending on advertising? But what is even better than a great ROI is a quick ROI. During this live webinar I will show you how we can help you generate higher quality leads that are easier to convert, fast.

    ==> Register at

    Your #1 Fan,
    Linda Miller
    Be there or be square.

    If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

  84. eric.jones.z.mail@gmail.com7 de mayo de 2021, 4:24

    Hi, Eric here with a quick thought about your website

    I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites.

    Like yours, many of them have great content.

    But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who visits.

    I get it – it’s hard. Studies show 7 out of 10 people who land on a site, abandon it in moments without leaving even a trace. You got the eyeball, but nothing else.

    Here’s a solution for you…

    Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to talk with them literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.

    CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works.

    It could be huge for your business – and because you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately… and contacting someone in that 5 minute window is 100 times more powerful than reaching out 30 minutes or more later.

    Plus, with text messaging you can follow up later with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to keep the conversation going.

    Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.

    CLICK HERE to discover what Talk With Web Visitor can do for your business.

    You could be converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!

    PS: Talk With Web Visitor offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
    You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
    CLICK HERE to try Talk With Web Visitor now.

    If you'd like to unsubscribe click here

  85. jo@bestlocaldata.com11 de mayo de 2021, 7:40

    Hello from

    Due to the pandemic is shutting down on the 14th of May.

    We have more than a 100 million records of Key Executives all over the world.

    We hope that this Data will serve other companies to succeed in their marketing efforts.

    We have reduced all the prices to next to nothing on our website

    We wish you the best in your future endeavours.

  86. ezekiel@sendbulkmails.com11 de mayo de 2021, 17:19

    Hello from,

    We have a special limited offer for you to send unlimited emails.

    We allow non-permission based emails and you won't ever get blocked.

    We also buy your domain for you and give you a clean IP and setup your DNS records.

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  87. fantastic issues altogether, you simply won a new reader. What might you recommend about your submit that you simply made a few days ago? Any sure?|

  88. jaqueline.stricklin@gmail.com18 de mayo de 2021, 20:14


    Many have the misconception of Buddhism being a religion. Buddhism is really more of a way of life whch can wired our brains positively and see changes in a different light.

    Since fate has brough us here, we hope you can spend some time to explore Buddhism.

    We have shortlisted a few videos from youtube with regards to Buddhism, we believe your time will not be wasted:

    Check out the videos in youtube here:

    What is Buddhism?

    Basic of Buddhism by Patrick Goodness in youtube:

    Albert Einstein on Buddhism - what Albert Einstein thought about Buddhism:

    Bertrand Russell (Nobel Prize Winner) on Buddha and Buddhism

    There is a great deal of quality content in Youtube regarding Buddhism and how it can alleviate sufferings. During this trying times, we hope the above can help you! If you find this useful, please share with your friends!

  89. christian.monette@gmail.com27 de mayo de 2021, 14:08

    The bitcoin price, after nudging $65,000 per bitcoin in April, dropped to just under $30,000 this week before rebounding slightly.

    If you have been considering to buy bitcoins but found it too expensive, your chance to buy bitcoin at 50% off is here!

    The SEC in the US classifies Bitcoin as a digital asset and Bitcoin is here to stay. If you fear Bitcoin's price going down, please take a look at Bitcoin's chart over the last 10 years, each time it crashes 50%, it has always gone on to make new all time high!

    And Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency on discount! Most cryptos are down in prices too!

    If you want profits, we buy when prices are low and sell when prices are high!

    Sure, cryptos might drop a little more from current prices, and if you are new, you can buying a little cryptocurrency over a few days or weeks by using the dollar cost averaging method.

    For example, instead of buying $1000 worth of cryptocurrencies in a single day, buy $100 per day over 10 days. In this way you can get a good average price.

    If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world). -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

  90. mamie@bestlocaldata.com1 de junio de 2021, 20:14


    It is with sad regret to inform you that is shutting down.

    We have made all our databases for sale for a once-off price.

    Visit our website to get the best bargain of your life.


  91. How does free traffic for your site sound? Too good to be true, probably some catch to it is what you're thinking right? Nope, no catch or cost at all. I'm just trying to get my site out there and help out lots of good people like yourself. I want to show you real quick how you can leverage these top 5 sites to get free traffic back to your site. Check it out:

  92. lshi@anatolygroup.com8 de junio de 2021, 12:39

    Don't pay for advertising on the internet until you've see this first:

  93. joseph.bentham9@hotmail.com15 de junio de 2021, 12:14

    In his TEDx talk, he will share a teaching from the oldest printed book in the world—the Diamond Cutter Sutra—which helps us get everything we want in life, in a way which also helps the entire world. We will be learning an ancient method known as the Four Steps, which can be applied to five different goals: financial independence for the rest of our life; great personal and professional relationships; vibrant health and energy; a clear, happy, and focused mind—and most importantly, how we can use all these to find out why we came into this world, and how we can live a life of great purpose and meaning.

    Geshe Michael Roach is a Princeton University graduate who spent 25 years in a Tibetan monastery and is the first American to be awarded the degree of Geshe, or Master of Buddhism. He utilized his monastery training to help build a major New York corporation which reached $250 million in annual sales, and was sold to super-investor Warren Buffett in 2009. Michael used a large portion of his business profits, and support from companies like Hewlett Packard, to found a 25-year effort to train and pay Tibetan refugees to input thousands of their endangered ancient books and make them available online for free.

    We are not affiliated to Michael Roach in anyway. We are helping to spread his message to make this world a better place. Please share with your friends if you find this helpful.
    Watch Geshe Michael Roach's TED talk here.

    Listen to the Diamond Cutter Sutra in English below in youtube:
    The Diamond Sutra -
    "The Diamond That Cuts Through Illusion"
    A new translation In English by Alex Johnson
    Read by Chris Johnys.

  94. ryanwilson0021@gmail.com21 de junio de 2021, 7:22


    How are you doing?

    I will make it simple and short. I want to contribute an amazing guest post to your website.

    For that we just need to go with 3 steps:

    1. I will send you some new topic ideas that will be tech-oriented and in trend too
    2. You'll have to choose one out of those
    3. I will then send a high-quality article on that chosen topic for you to publish on your website with one do-follow link to my site.

    Let me know how this sounds to you? Shall we start with step 1?

    Best Regards,

    Ryan Wilson

  95. Hello there

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  96. tomas@bestlocaldata.com28 de junio de 2021, 14:28

    It is with sad regret to inform you that because of the Covid pandemic is shutting down at the end of the month.

    We have lost family members and colleagues and have decided to shut down

    It was a pleasure serving you all these years. We have made all our databases available for $99 (All of it for $99) for those interested.

    Kind Regards,

  97. annett.boucaut@gmail.com30 de junio de 2021, 8:11

    The world was focusing on Doge Coin after Elon Musk tweeted that he owns Doge coin.

    Do you know there is another cryptocurrency - Shi Inbu Coin is that down 85% from its top earlier?

    Crypto currencies are volatile and big fortune (and losses) can be made within weeks or months.

    With Shi Inu at such low prices, you can consider buying some at Binance (

    Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password and enjoy 10% off your trading fees for life! ->

    If you want to take advantage of the crazy discounts now, you can buy cryptocurrecncies at Binance here (biggest crypto exchange in the world). -> Use this link to sign up at Binance for free and get 10% off ALL your trades in Binance forever!

  98. preston.capuano76@gmail.com7 de julio de 2021, 1:36

    Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices.

    Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it.


    Elon Musk caused Doge Coin to soar when he tweeted about it.

    The most important question everyone has is: "what is next?"

    The short answer is a newly listed NASDAQ crypto mining company from Canada.

    Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla might have or is going to acquire a stake in this newly listed NASDAQ.

    Many are waiting for his "infamous" tweets to send stock price soaring.

    With all the talk about going green, this newly listed Bitcoin and Ethereum mining company is a green company that mines bitcoin and ethereum using green energy.

    It is currently trading at less than USD$3.50 in NASDAQ, way lower than it's all time high in 2018. And Bitcoin and Ethereum have broken their all time high, making this stock highly undervalued.

    This company is Canadian company Hive Blockchain. You can check out their stock here:

    Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla has taken a stake in this company which just listed on NASDAQ on 1st July 2021.

    If you are a long term investor, you can consider buying this stock for the long term.

    If you are a short term speculator, you can consider the strategy of buy the rumour and sell the news on HIVE Blockchain stock.

    For more on this stock, you can visit the official website here:

    And do check out what the investor community is saying about HIVE BLOCKCHAIN here in Yahoo:

    Don't miss out on this golden opporunity!

  99. newkirk.meridith@gmail.com13 de julio de 2021, 13:04

    Elon Musk is a visionary and he is well knowned to have the midas touch. Anything he tweets or gets involved in, goes up in prices.

    Elon Musk caused Bitcoin's price to soar when he tweeted about it.


    Elon Musk caused Doge Coin to soar when he tweeted about it.

    The most important question everyone has is: "what is next?"

    The short answer is a newly listed NASDAQ crypto mining company from Canada.

    Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla might have or is going to acquire a stake in this newly listed NASDAQ.

    Many are waiting for his "infamous" tweets to send stock price soaring.

    With all the talk about going green, this newly listed Bitcoin and Ethereum mining company is a green company that mines bitcoin and ethereum using green energy.

    It is currently trading at less than USD$3.50 in NASDAQ, way lower than it's all time high in 2018. And Bitcoin and Ethereum have broken their all time high, making this stock highly undervalued.

    This company is Canadian company Hive Blockchain. You can check out their stock here:

    Rumours have it that Elon Musk or Tesla has taken a stake in this company which just listed on NASDAQ on 1st July 2021.

    If you are a long term investor, you can consider buying this stock for the long term.

    If you are a short term speculator, you can consider the strategy of buy the rumour and sell the news on HIVE Blockchain stock.

    For more on this stock, you can visit the official website here:

    And do check out what the investor community is saying about HIVE BLOCKCHAIN here in Yahoo:

    Don't miss out on this golden opporunity!

  100. info@getcontent.rocks1 de agosto de 2021, 4:58


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  102. franklyn.fritzsche@gmail.com12 de agosto de 2021, 17:32


    Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value)

    Like many others, the pandemic has hit me hard and I lost my job. Now I am doing what I can in between jobs and experimenting with different ways to make money from the internet.

    I chanced upon ( and started promoting my affiliate links to my friends and online. When you introduce your friends to Binance, you get a LIFETIME commission everytime they trade in Binance!

    You do need a large number of affiliates to make things work. I was lucky to sign up 3 friends who put in USD$10,000 each and depending from their trade volume, I made an extra USD$1000 to $5000 per month PASSIVELY.

    As such, you do not need to put any money of your own into Binance, you can also make money by referring Binance to your friends and associates! -> (my Binance affiliate link)

    Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password. This takes only 30 seconds! ->

  103. kellum.rigoberto@gmail.com22 de agosto de 2021, 15:27


    Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value)

    Like many others, the pandemic has hit me hard and I lost my job. Now I am doing what I can in between jobs and experimenting with different ways to make money from the internet.

    I chanced upon ( and started promoting my affiliate links to my friends and online. When you introduce your friends to Binance, you get a LIFETIME commission everytime they trade in Binance!

    You do need a large number of affiliates to make things work. I was lucky to sign up 3 friends who put in USD$10,000 each and depending from their trade volume, I made an extra USD$1000 to $5000 per month PASSIVELY.

    As such, you do not need to put any money of your own into Binance, you can also make money by referring Binance to your friends and associates! -> (my Binance affiliate link)

    Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password. This takes only 30 seconds! ->

  104. raymond.gemma@gmail.com27 de agosto de 2021, 19:45

    If you consume CNN and BBC's coverage of China, I am sure you are under the impression that China is a really screwed up country.

    The West has a very biased view of China. China's rise is bad for us? Is our system superior?

    What is good for the West's government is definitely good for Wall Streets and the bankers, but not necessarily good for the people.

    China has a lot to offer to the average guy in the West.

    Do you have a business? Consider selling to China

    Do you want an incredible life experience like no others? Perhaps you can relocate to China!

    What is China really like?

    We share some you tube videos of Westerners living in China. Check the videos out and perhap it will change your view of China.

    Or Perhaps you can visit China and seek out new opportunities there!

    The Most SHOCKING Street Reactions of Foreigners living in CHINA!

    Jason (from UK) China vs USA - Who Would Win? 2021 Military / Country Comparison

    How China Became So Powerful

    Johnny Harris - It's a story of a certain type of capitalism

    China Shaolin Martial Arts

    Check out Philip Hartshorn's experience in Shao Lin learning Kungfu!

    Who REALLY Runs The World and How to Protect Yourself - Gerald Celente

    Am I a Commie? - Question for YouTube Content Creators in China

  105. lombardi.jeannette@yahoo.com3 de septiembre de 2021, 13:45


    Firstly let me apologise to you as I know this is not the best way to reach you (contact form marketing). I am at my wits end to generate more income to provide for my wife and children and this is a legal (and I hope to make up to you by providing free educational value)

    Like many others, the pandemic has hit me hard and I lost my job. Now I am doing what I can in between jobs and experimenting with different ways to make money from the internet.

    I chanced upon ( and started promoting my affiliate links to my friends and online. When you introduce your friends to Binance, you get a LIFETIME commission everytime they trade in Binance!

    You do need a large number of affiliates to make things work. I was lucky to sign up 3 friends who put in USD$10,000 each and depending from their trade volume, I made an extra USD$1000 to $5000 per month PASSIVELY.

    As such, you do not need to put any money of your own into Binance, you can also make money by referring Binance to your friends and associates! -> (my Binance affiliate link)

    Go to this url and simply sign up with your email and password. This takes only 30 seconds! ->

  106. gottschalk.demi@outlook.com2 de noviembre de 2021, 1:01

    I was just looking at your ad on and was wondering if you still offer the $100 price plan?

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